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Are Transportation Issues Preventing Regular Doctor Visits?

Most Americans pay their physician a visit about four times each year, and that includes senior citizens. As the body ages, however, there are greater odds of developing issues. In the case of seniors, it is advised for them to visit their doctor at least once or twice a year even if they appear to be in perfect shape. As they get older, this number should increase, especially if there any notable changes in mood or overall health.

A multitude of reasons exists as to why senior citizens fail to go to a doctor as often as they should. They may not think there anything of concern is going on the body or as is often the case, they lack the proper transportation to make it to and from their appointment. This may require having to cancel an important appointment due to transportation issues. Perhaps the type of transport they do have does not provide the proper or adequate equipment to safely transport the individual to where they need to go.

The aforementioned is another reason and further reinforces why it’s so vital to have a reliable non-emergency medical transportation service available. Seniors make their appointments, arrive on time, they have the proper equipment in case of special needs, and perhaps most importantly, they remain proactive regarding their health.

This update is by iTransport Services, a non-emergency medical transportation Miami provider for paratransit VIP needs. Our company operates throughout Miami-Dade County, offering door-to-door transportation services. We also operate in parts of Monroe County’s Upper to Middle Keys and our fleet includes a series of minivans, vans, and sedans. For more information on wheelchair accessible taxi Miami, please call 305-662-6797.