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iTransport Services's blog

Traveling Long Distance

Each transportation company has its own definition of what constitutes long-distance transportation. For one company, that could mean a trip that’s at least 150 miles. Long distance transportation for medical purposes is generally available to those that are able to walk as well as individuals that utilize a wheelchair to get around. Bariatric patients can also use the services of a transportation company to visit a county nearby, for example.

Are Transportation Issues Preventing Regular Doctor Visits?

Most Americans pay their physician a visit about four times each year, and that includes senior citizens. As the body ages, however, there are greater odds of developing issues. In the case of seniors, it is advised for them to visit their doctor at least once or twice a year even if they appear to be in perfect shape. As they get older, this number should increase, especially if there any notable changes in mood or overall health.

Why Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Matters

Did you know that according to a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine study, over three million Americans end up missing vital medical appointments due to factors such as a lack of proper patient transportation? Perhaps even more concerning, that number is expected to increase over time. Furthermore, a separate University of Wisconsin study shows that among other things, a lack of transportation is a contributor to poor health outcomes.

Obtaining a Handicap Placard

Are you in need of a placard for your vehicle indicating that you are handicapped? If so, you’ll need to deal with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to obtain the placard. Depending on what your condition is and what a doctor jots down, your placard may be issued permanently or temporarily. Despite its name, a permanent placard will only remain valid for a period of four years.

How Does Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Differ from an Ambulance?

What’s the primary difference between an ambulance and a non-emergency medical transportation vehicle (NEMT)? At its simplest, it’s the urgency. As most people know, ambulances are intended to arrive and pick someone up as quickly as possible during an emergency when someone calls 911. NEMT, on the other hand, is not meant for emergencies, just like its name implies. Generally speaking, NEMT is booked and reserved prior to the date a person is picked up.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Remains Vital

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) made headlines earlier this year when it made an important rule change to Medicaid beneficiaries regarding non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT). With the rule change, states would have the option of opting out of the stipulation which requires them to provide NEMT to these beneficiaries. The changes could result in higher care costs while also causing issues such as limited access for potentially millions of people.


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